Submit from an archive

To submit your workflow from an archive, the entire workflow folder needs to be submitted in the .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2 or .tar.xz format, with the main file at the root of the folder (since it serves as the entry point of the workflow).

When submitting your workflow this way, information such as the workflow's publishing date and authors will not be automatically added to the RO-Crata metadata file. They will need to be added manually after analysis. To access this functionality, submit your workflow through its git repository.

Submit from a git repository

To submit your workflow from its git repository, simply provide its http(s) url. Please note that the main file has to be at the root of the repository (since it serves as the entry point of the workflow).

When submitting your workflow this way, information such as the workflow's publishing date and authors will be automatically added to the RO-Crata metadata file. This information is extracted from the git repository.

Try using the provided example workflows to test BioFlow-Insight’s functionalities: